Your French Travel Agency for disabled

You have disability and are dreaming of an accessible trip to France? Our team of specialists will help you to find the perfect tour for you. Contact your French Travel Agency for Disabled

BEHANDI is the French leading travel agency for disabled people. Since 2015, we have been doing what we do best: making people with disabilities travel all over the world.

Now, we would like to make you travel to France and let you discover our wonderful country.



Tailor-made trips for single traveller, families, and groups

Our team of specialists take care of everything you need:

  • Adapted vehicle at your arrival
  • Wheelchair accessible hand-picked accommodation
  • Professional English or Spanish speaking guide-driver
  • Bilingual and qualified carers
  • Medical equipment delivered and setup at accommodation
  • Wheelchair accessible excursions and restaurants

Providers have been selected by BEHANDI for excellence in disabled facilities, in order to make your stay a stress-free and unforgettable experience.

Download our accessible trips catalog

Wheelchair accessible vehicle rental

BEHANDI rents its accessible vehicles throughout France and even Corsica.

  • Short or long rental (day, week, etc.)
  • For individals and professionals
  • Delivery at your place of arrival (airport, train station, etc)
  • Optional driver service
  • 5 seats + 2 wheelchairs or 3 seats + 3 wheelchairs (driver included)

Our vehicle meets the accessibility and anchoring standards for wheelchairs. The wheelchair is mounted inside the vehicle using an exterior ramp.

Download description

Medical equipment

BEHANDI can hire wheelchair, medical bed, hoist, shower-chair or any other equipments for you.

Delivery and setup are included.


BEHANDI can book appointments with carers* or nurses* once or twice a day during your stay.

You need a full assistance all along the stay ? BEHANDI hire professional and qualified carers* who spend the whole stay on your side to make sure you are safe and having a great time.

*Several languages speaking.

Download documents of French Travel Agency for Disabled